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Tuscarora Pursuit Race

The Tuscarora Pursuit Race is a fun race to the Tuscarora Yacht Club in Wilson, New York on the Saturday of the two day WYC cruising event. It is not a qualifying event for club awards and championship but prizes will be awarded. The race is 31  nm in length. There is one class; PHRF NFS (Non Flying Sails). To compete, a boat must be registered for the race component of the cruise. If a current or past PHRF-LO certificate is not available, a one time rating will be assigned by the the WYC Measurer. 


Pursuit Format: In a pursuit race, boats receive staggered start times based on their PHRF ratings. The slower boats start first, followed by faster and faster boats, with the scratch boat starting last. Since the handicap is already built into the start times, the first boat to the finish wins.

Image by Valeria Terekhina

Tuscarora Pursuit Race/Cruise


Combined Notice of Race and Sailing Instructions R1


Start Times


Notices to Competitors

Notice #1






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